viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Lifetime nightmare

Here it comes again
The hatred to the world.
Here my love dies once more
For the memories of my past
And all the times I tried to live
And forget what I was once
Come to me like a lifetime dream,
And It puts me down, and my bliss is gone

Shadow burns in my eyes
I keep playing like before
But something inside my heart
doesn’t let me live
so I pray to the future
to make me feel alright
and let me retain what I have

Calling to you, my friend, I feel insecure
Trying to take away my sadness
Ain’t gonna be overdue
But it comes and it comes
And it disturbs and it shouts
The shame seizes to me
I don’t want to bother you anymore

But in the shining days
I’m in love with you

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